

  • looked at job prep stuff and starting formulating some kind of routine for prep between anki cards and problem sets to look at.
  • also cleaned out my org mode master file, got it ready for classes and this school/professional year generally.


  • read some of that Feeling Good book with Gabby, i really like thus far and somewhat implicitly affirms my priors about stoicism as a general life philosophy. call it cliche, but since high school i can recall believing that stoicism was due for a comeback because of what i saw/felt coming with respect to technology, social media, and economic uncertainty. i unfortunately think hs me was right 8 some years later.


  • relaxed, no workout. starting to think that i shouldn't take off days, though. my body is really accustomed to the stress relief/outlet provided by some kind of arduous workout, so maybe always at least run 2-4mi even if at very slow pace? idk.