aside from classes, i studied for the linear algebra and math fundamentals exams i have on thursday. i really do not appreciate a professor announcing our first exam's date 2 days before the exam.
i prepared for the papers we love meeting we were supposed to have tonight, but a series of unfortunate events occurred:
- the original room reservation i made at the library was not actually booked correctly, and the time slot was taken when i tried again
- this resulted in us moving the meeting to hedon's apartment, he was presenting anyway and lived literally a block over, but then he accidentally locked himself out of his own car before the meeting
we rescheduled for next tuesday, and it appears everyone who was going to attend today can make it next week as well, so this should give us a crowd of 8, which makes me really happy.
as for hosting, i think we will have to keep it at hedon's because the rooms we were going to use are already booked for next week as well. i might preemptively invest in a mobile projector and scope out alternative locations on the university campus we could use and/or consider other kc public library locations.
i am going to lift shortly after i commit this log. the agenda is:
- squats: 5x5 @ 90lb
- bench press: 5x5 @ 65lb
- barbell rows: 5x5 @ 85lb