it's been a tough month. being cooped up inside 24/7 is really starting to get to me. so it goes.
apparently i will be submitting a paper to langsec's conference as a part of IEEE's security and privacy symposium. it has to do with PDF's, no surprise - really, the fact i am coauthoring something right out of college, let alone something covering formal methods is the surprise itself. i have no clue what i'm doing, dear reader.
i've also got my company up on matrix now, and work on dux
, my ggg based PDF
parser will begin proper this month.
gabby and i continue to work through the x files. we're at season 4 now. i've also made a thing out of playing through the megaman x series along with a few other video games here and there.
if you call it "not working", i'm also starting to work through baudrillard's bibliography for fun.
i really, really, really, really miss weight lifting. i really miss it. a lot.